Check Out: Helter Skelter.

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If you’re like me, you like to immerse yourself in an interesting idea, person, or thing to the point you feel a bit queasy and off, not unlike a post-Halloween candy binge. Hopefully, our announcement of Annalemma Issue Nine: India, has  left you wanting to familiarize yourself with Indian writing and publications. If so, check out Helter Skelter, and online independent mag with focus on alternative Indian culture.

Favorites from  this latest issue include Suroshree Dasgupta’s account of Metallica’s recent cancellation of their first concert in India and the resulting fallout, Sanchari Sur’s dissection of the ambiguities of parental boundaries imposed on young Hindu women, and Chandni Singh’s quiet and compelling vignette of a small village plagued by a dysfunctional government meal program.

Also worth checking out is Ack!, a comic series focusing its irreverent lens on everything from Hinduism, current events and Jersey Shore.

Go check it out!

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