Subscription Drive Extended.


Over the last weekend of the subscription drive we got 10 subscriptions away, so we figured it’d be a shame to quit now. We’re 10 new subscribers away from reaching our goal of making Issue Eight a reader-funded publication. Ad-free, sponsor-free and, therefore, artistically uncompromised. Those are great things to be, but the most important part is that folks feel Anna is vital enough to spend hard-earned dollars on it. And, to their infinite credit and grace, they have. In the last few weeks I’ve received and filled orders as close as a couple neighborhoods over and as far away as Israel, Australia and somewhere called Wrexham, England, which I believe is close to Liverpool and sounds like a fantastic place.

So. Here we are, finish line in sight, and to sweeten the deal I’m putting up a special offer for the final, final (for real this time) last week of the drive:

Whoever purchases the last subscription of the drive gets a subscription for life.

If you’re the lucky person who purchases the last subscription we need to meet our goal, you get Annalemma for life, for only $25.00. Click here to subscribe now for $5 off the cover price.

This is the home stretch, muscles are cramped and the breath is heaving, air feels like fire in the lungs, but we can’t quit. We won’t quit, not when we’re so close. If you’ve subscribed in the past, why not renew now? If you’ve already signed up, you get a thunder-crack of a hi-five and I’m sure you’re already enjoying the spoils of your purchase. If you feel like helping out beyond purchasing a subscription, please repost this message on your blog/facebook/twitter, wherever you share the things you love with the people you care about.

Thanks again to everyone who’s been helping out with the drive by posting about it all over the place. It means everything.

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