Infinite Summer.


Back when I was a cocky, naive young man in his beginning months at writing school I was under the delusion that no novel existed that could mystify or confuse me, no book could sway my lazer-like focus, and no writer existed that could bury me in weighty ideas. It’s with this attitude that I picked up Infinite Jest. I got about 200 pages in and I quit. Main reason being the sheer size of it. I read that fucker like a bomb squad officer clipping at colored wires and I couldn’t even make a dent in it.

Other people have apparently experienced the same thing when trying to undertake IJ. They decided to take action. Infinite Summer is an online book club of sorts that challenges readers all over the globe to read Infinite Jest over the summer of 2009:

“June 21st to September 22nd. A thousand pages ÷ 92 days = 75 pages a week. No sweat.”

I’ve been putting this book off for a long time and now it’s time to climb this mountain. I going to do it. Who’s with me?


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