Ending Radio Silence.


And we’re back. Apologies for the radio silence. I got a new job that’s gobbling up my time. The job has very little to do with literature, but has much to do with living life in the world. So in a round-about way, it has everything to do with literature.

Despite the silence between us (please don’t take it as a symbol of something negative), things have been happening. There have been some problems with the shipping software over the last couple weeks but they’ve since been resolved and Issue Eight is now shipping to subscribers and pre-order-ers. Here’s some info on our latest issue:

Anne Elizabeth Moore interview

Issue Eight release party

Other things have been happening as well: Richard Morcarski squeezed the juices from my mind grapes about Annalemma stuff for the newest issue of The Reprint. I wrote a kind of a messed up story taking place in the greater Orlando area for the 15 Views project over at Burrow Press. Matt Bell came in town last weekend and we worked on a secret video project, details and pics coming soon. What else? My internet is running really slow today, probably Karmic justice for not updating in forever. What else, else? Keep an eye out for a Blake Butler interview where we talk about RPGs coming in the next week or so. Keep an eye out for physical locations where you can check out Issue Eight. And keep an eye out for the announcement of the next print issue theme. So soon? Yes, so soon.

Actually, on second thought? Keep both your eyes in your head. They’ve really got no business being out.

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