Blue Square Press.


Contributor David Peak sat on my couch a couple weeks ago and told me he was teaming up with Ben Spivey to start a micro press. “It’s been nice being friends with you,” I said to David, “but now that you’re a publisher like me I must do everything in my power to destroy you, because that’s how this cold, harsh, vindictive world of small press publishing works.”

Well, I saw the unveiling of Blue Square Press yesterday and damned if that didn’t change my mind. Blue Square’s first release “Flowing the Gossamer Fold” looks too good to defy and has got some pretty impressive dudes talking about it:

“Reading like the troubled offspring of Claire Denis’s L’Intrus and the surreal ending of Jim Thompson’s Savage Night, Spivey’s Flowing in the Gossamer Fold creates a deliberate and satisfying confusion between the habitations of the skull, of the word, and of the world. A strange and satisfying debut.”
-Brian Evenson, author of Last Days and Fugue State

“Malcolm Blackburn (motivational speaker, estranged husband of a bird with orange pubic hair, and lover to a mannequin) has a voice that throttled me from the first page, while Ben Spivey–an extraordinarily talented and shockingly young new writer–demonstrates that his own voice is versatile, vivid, funny, and trenchant. I read the book in one eager sitting. Flowing in the Gossamer Fold is a bizarre and genuinely exciting debut.”
-Nick Antosca, author of Midnight Picnic and Fires

Pre-order your copy today! I did.

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