

Short Story Month is coming to a close this week. I just want to go on record saying how awesome of an idea I think this is and I want to personally thank Dan Wickett over at EWN for not only tirelessly promoting the artform that I truly, deeply love and believe can change peoples lives, but also for promoting talented writers that have yet to make a name for themselves in the world. Both highly commendable efforts. I’m looking forward to next year when I plan on taking Short Story Month events out of the blogosphere and into the real world!

So to wrap SSM up here at VigLaze I decided to link a story from a man whom I believe is the greatest short story writer that ever lived: Raymond Carver. It’s a story called A Small Good Thing. It’s from his collection What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. If you plan on picking this collection up in the near future, make sure you’ve got a bag with a nice and sturdy strap to carry it around in because these stories are heavy. They may look like stylistically simple tales, but these stories will sneak in through the window of your mind when you’re not paying attention and sit themselves down on your mind-couch and never leave.

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