Issue Seven Theme and Call to Submit.

Endurance  fast in icepak

Announcing the theme for the next print issue of Annalemma and the call to submit.

Every day the world tests our will, our ability to keep moving forward. With this in mind we chose the theme for Annalemma Issue Seven: Endurance.

The word has a connotation of athletic ability and physical stamina. But the mind is more willful than the body. This is not a call for sports stories. This is a call for stories about the power to persist in the face of obstacles. Suggested questions to consider (but are in no way required to address):

– Why do you persist? What keeps you from throwing your hands up to the world and going to live in a cabin in the woods?

– What is it that fuels the pursuit of your dreams or goals?

– Who would you give up those pursuits for if they asked you to? Who has that power over you?

– What happens when someone/something can’t be stopped?

– How do you deal with an immovable object in your way?

– When is it okay to quit? Is it ever?

– Where do you go when there’s nowhere left?

The specs:

We are accepting fiction and creative nonfiction submisions. No submissions over 5000 words will be accepted. Deadline is Friday, August 6th, 2010. Any submissions not pertaining to the theme will be considered for online publication only.

One submission at a time please. No previously published pieces will be considered.

All rejections are final.

Submit to our Submishmash page here. If you’ve submitted to the old email address within the last month, your submission will still be read, but will be considered for online publication only. You are welcome to withdraw your current submission and re-submit a new piece through Submishmash if you want to be considered for print publication.


  1. ryan says:

    i sent a tale of endurance! it kind of fits that fantastic photo at the top of this post, too! that snow is making me homesick!

  2. Alex says:

    If I submit and am rejected, can I submit another story for the same issue if there’s still time?

  3. chris says:

    You bet, Alex. Submit as many times as you like, as long as you submit only one piece at a time.

    And how about a little positive mental attitude? I wished you’d asked, “When my piece gets accepted can I submit another for same issue?”

    The answer to that is no, btw.

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