Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category

Monday, January 25th



Did you do anything exciting this weekend?


Besides going to church?


We did.


We collected treasure the entire weekend.


Well, not the entire weekend.


It was broken up by occasional comments on a certain post.


It felt good and strange and weird and exciting.


And it gave me the feeling that this move to NY was starting to pay off a little bit.


Now if I could only convert all this attention into subscriptions.


Whatever. In a way, it’s just cool and satisfying to be connecting with some people I respect and admire.


But back to the treasures…


When you have someone special in town, everything you see becomes a treasure.


A 1970 Chevy Impala is always a treasure.


Treasure is all around you.

Thursday, January 21st

Get Dirty.


Annalemma and HTMLgiant are hopping into the sack together for a contest. Taking yesterday’s When Author’s Get Hungry contest, we decided to throw When Author’s Get Off. Go over to the Giant and turn your favorite book title into something ribald, titillating or downright pornographic. Winner gets an Annalemma Bundle. Contest ends tomorrow afternoon. And better bring your A-game, I’m already laughing my ass off.

Also we will be putting out the call for submissions for a collaborative piece named after the winning title.

Thanks to Jimmy Chen for getting the ball rolling!

Wednesday, January 13th

Mail Bag.

Some interesting articles have been arriving by post as of late. Let me tell you about them.


The talented J.A. Tyler was kind enough to send me this beautiful bundle of chapbooks from Mudluscious Press. Mind you, I ordered and paid for them (as you should too), but I just thought it should be noted that Mr. Tyler is not a deadbeat who will abscond with your cash, should you order something from him. Not that anyone has said contrary. Goddamnit. See, this is what happens when I try to compliment someone.


Got my first issue of PANK! Feel the need to always spell that with a exclamation point for some reason. Or clap hands together.


Conan Tobias did a trade for his colorful Canadian journal  Taddle Creek (or should I say colourful.)


Lastly, Sheba sent me a collapsible birdhouse. I love it.

Friday, January 8th

Better Book Cover Design of the Week.


Stumbled upon UK illustrator and book cover design virtuoso  Adam Simpson and found his cover for last year’s Up a Tree in the Park at Night with a Hedgehog by Aussie writer P. Robert Smith. It’s rare you find yourself looking at a book cover for more than three to five seconds. This one won’t let you take your eyes off it until you’ve figured out what’s going on with every tiny Where’s Waldo-esque character. You are amazing, Adam!

Monday, November 30th



Some random images from the holiday weekend:

This was Chase’s first attempt at a fried turkey. I thought it was delicious. But I think he was expecting the heavens to open up and waves of light to wash over him as he took the first bite. He was a bit let down.

Also, congrats to Chase for receiving the nod from Pitchfork for one of the best vids of ’09!


This guy was turning his beak up to all the turkeys that got screwed this year. Don’t get cocky dude, Christmas is just around the corner and I ain’t never cooked a goose before.


Or a turkeygoose.


We played a show. This guy’s band didn’t show up and he had to play all his jams solo. The brass balls on this dude. Hats off to you sir.


Viernes with their new multimedia setup.


It wouldn’t be Turkey Day without football.


And it wouldn’t be football without me wishing I was in the marching band.

I was about to make a joke along the lines that I was forming an all-tuba band and call it Tuba Gooding Jr. But apparently he already exists.


In other news, I met a Transformer.


And the cute alert has been ringing off the hook.

Back to work! Back to burning calories! Keeping the gut at bay! To pressing forward and pressing hard until the end of the year! Finish line is in sight everyone! Don’t give up yet! We believe in you if no one else does! Count on that! Set your watch to it!

Speaking of which, keep an eye out for a new video next week…

Screen shot 2009-11-30 at 10.42.41 AM

Friday, November 13th

Yet Another Stephen Elliott Post (Part 2 of 4)

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Stephen tells a story about getting the shit beat out of him and reads more from The Adderall Diaries.

Monday, October 26th



Tent and chairs: check.


Keg of decent domestic beer: check.


Shadow puppets: check.


Magician: check.


All right, now we’re ready to have a party!

I’m usually too busy running around picking up cigarette butts and worrying about whether or not everyone is having a good time to take decent pics at these events that I throw so this won’t be the most comprehensive look at the Issue Five release party, but I’ll do my best.


Travis Winkler, mentalist/magician, kind of blew everyone away with his feats of psychic ability.


And I did a video reading and Polly helped me with the shadow puppet show. See? I told you this wasn’t that comprehensive.


“Hey, you guys are cute with your little puppets and all but we came here to do two things: Keg stands and kick ass…”




“…and it looks like we’re almost done with the keg stands.”


I can neither confirm nor deny that this is a picture of the esteemed editor of this magazine doing a keg stand.


Nick silently tolerated this childishness.


What would you call this? Reverse keg stand? Human stand?


I don’t know about yall but I had a blast. Thanks to everyone for coming out and making this the best release party we’ve ever had!

Friday, October 23rd

Tonight, tonight.

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If you live in Orlando and lament the limited amount of cool stuff to do and cool people to hang out with, then you sound like kind of a bummer and we don’t really want you to come to our party. However, if you are up for some fun times, some even funner entertainment and some infinitely fun beer, then you are in for a treat my friend. See you tonight!

Tuesday, October 13th



MAKR and I went up to Chicago. He had to go to Horween, one of the oldest leather tanneries in the country, to pick out some hides to make into bags.


It was like Charlie and the Chocolate factory. But with dead flesh.


This is what it looks like in Jason’s brain.


This is how the hides come in. That’s horse hide imported from France.

I want Horace McCoy to write a book called The French Eat Horses, Don’t They?


The hides are bathed in a sort of bleach wash deal that turns them into pasty white piles of mush.


Leather byproduct splatter strewn across an American flag. There’s a metaphor there but I’m not sure what it is.


Most footballs used for pro games? Yup. They came from Horween.


This place has been around since 1905 and is still family owned and operated. Skip Horween, the gentleman who showed us around, took us to this dark hole where the hides dry.


Horween is the last place in the States to make Cordovan, which is essentially the butt of the horse. I told Skip that it kind of looks like Illinois. He agreed and told us that an uncut hide looks like the United States. I said there was another good metaphor in there somwhwere. Skip quietly tolerated the foppish writer by saying, “Yeah, there’s something in there.”


But it wasn’t all leather for us. Side note: I enjoyed introducing Jason to my Chicago friends by saying, “This is Jason. He’s really into leather.”

We went to the Russian Tea Room, which made people whisper further.


We took the pink line (God, this is getting bad) down to Pilsen.


If you live in the greater Chicago area, care about the most interesting stuff happening in art book publishing and you have not yet been to Golden Age then you, my friend, are robbing yourself of one of the better experiences of your lifetime.


Go see Marco and his amazing store right away!




This was one of the best trips I’ve made back to the city since I moved. Without a doubt.


Thank you Tom, Bill, Ben, Anne, Theresa and Sheba. I miss you all.


And dare I say it? I miss this city.

Monday, October 5th

Free Copies of Issue Five.

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Hey! So we’re doing a new Twitter contest wherein we are giving away five free copies of Issue Five. How do you win? Well…

1) Go to the twitterspehere and follow us.

2) Throw up a tweet with an #Annalemma hashmark.

3) Kick your feet up and wait for your free copy to show up in the mail.

If you already have your copy and feel the need to possess another then you are more than welcome to enter. Is the uncertainty of winning killing you? You could just buy it now!

This contest ends 9/12/09.