


Hello, weary world wide web traveler! Come in! Come in! Let’s get those boots off your frost-bitten toes and get you propped up in front of this crackling fire we call

So this is our new web portal. In the two or three years we been in existance this is the best manifestation of what we’re all about thusfar. Stories, essays, art and photography all rolled up into an inexplicably coherent ball and presented to you for free.

Yes, this is an online magazine, but we’re still doing the print version as you can see here. Only differnce at the moment is the print version contains different work than can be found online. And we’re doing smaller print runs now with lots of extra goodies that cannot be reproduced online. Tangable things, with ridges and shape and texture, things that the web, as much as we love/hate it, will never be able to give us.

So click around, check it out, stumble it, digg it, facebook it, twitter it, blog it, use it, abuse it and above all, enjoy it.

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